

PATRA Co., Ltd., is a consulting firm that specializes in helping corporations maximize their IP portfolios. As an IP-related service planner, PATRA operates a patent/technology exchange and supports Technology Licensing Operations (TLO) in universities. PATRA also offers personnel exchange opportunities between Sun Group and various corporations, or facilitates personnel exchange between two or more outside corporations. To provide clients with more opportunities for exchanging their advanced technologies, PATRA jointly operates a patent marketplace with French and US corporations. PATRA suggests specific ideas for effective patent use particularly in consideration of corporate profits and IP activities

Main Services

Education Services (per clients’ needs)

Offers Patra Business Seminars
Dispatches lecturers to client corporations
Offers IP-related training courses

Support Services for Domestic Intellectual Property

Product Liability (PL) law measurement through the group’s associated lawyers.
Assists clients with Licensing Strategies

Support Services for International Intellectual Property Matters

Assists client with international contracts using our Intellectural Law specialists